Expyriment test suite ===================== The Expyriment test suite is a guided tool for testing your computer's abilities/performance. This includes timing accuracy of visual stimulus presentation, audio playback functionality, mouse functionality and serial port functionality/usage. Eventually, all test results can be saved as a protocol, together with some information about the system. **Starting the test suite** The test suite can either be started from within an experiment, or from an interactive Python session (for instance with IPython). To start the test suite, just call:: expyriment.control.run_test_suite() **Menu overview** Here is a brief explanation of the available options: 1. *Visual stimulus presentation* * Tests if stimuli can be presented timing accurately * Tests if stimulus presentation is synchronized to the refresh rate of the screen * Tests the video card's settings for buffering 2. *Auditory stimulus presentation* * Tests functionality of audio playback 3. *Mouse test* * Tests mouse accuracy (polling time) * Tests functionality of mouse buttons 4. *Serial port test* * Tests functionality of devices connected via the serial port 5. *Write protocol* * Saves all test results, as well as information about the system, as a text file. 6. *Quit* * Quits the test suite