A class implementing an experimental trial.
Create a Trial.
Add a stimulus to the trial.
Parameters : | stimulus : expyriment stimulus
This will add references to stimuli, not copies!
Clear all factors.
Clear the stimuli.
Return a copy of the trial.
The dictionary with all factors of the trial.
Getter for factors names.
Return all factor names and values as csv string line
Find the positions of a stimulus.
Parameters : | id : int
Returns : | pos : int
Get a factor of the trial.
Parameters : | name : str
Returns : | factor_val : str or numeric |
Getter for id.
Order the stimuli.
Parameters : | order : list
Preload all stimuli in trial.
Returns : | time : int
Remove stimulus from trial.
Parameters : | position : int
Set a factor for the trial.
Parameters : | name : str
value : str or numeric
Shuffle all stimuli.
Sort the stimuli according to their IDs from low to high.
Getter for stimuli.
Swap two stimuli.
Parameters : | position1 : int
position2 : int
Unload all stimuli in trial.
Parameters : | keep_surface : bool, optional
Returns : | time : int