A class implementing an output file.
Create an output file.
Parameters : | suffix : str
directory : str
comment_char : str, optional
time_stamp : bool, optional
Getter for comment_char
Getter for directory
Getter for filename
Getter for fullpath
Getter for logging.
Renames the output file.
Save file to disk.
Set logging of this object on or off
Parameters : | onoff : bool
See also design.experiment.set_log_level fur further information about event logging.
Getter for the standard expyriment outputfile name.
Getter for directory
Write to file.
Parameters : | content : str
Write a comment line to files.
(i.e., text is proceeded by comment char).
Parameters : | comment : str
Write a text line to files.
Parameters : | content : str
Write a list in a row. Data are separated by a delimiter.
Parameters : | list_ : list