Source code for

Default settings for the design package.

This module contains default values for all optional arguments in the init
function of all classes in this package.


__author__ = 'Florian Krause <, \
Oliver Lindemann <>'
__version__ = ''
__revision__ = ''
__date__ = ''

import os as _os
from expyriment.misc import str2unicode as _str2unicode

# Experiment
experiment_name = None  # Set None if experiment default name should be the
#                        name of the python main file

experiment_background_colour = (0, 0, 0)
experiment_foreground_colour = (150, 150, 150)
#experiment_text_font = _str2unicode(_os.path.abspath(
#    _os.path.join(_os.path.dirname(__file__),
#                  "..", "_fonts", "FreeSans.ttf")))
experiment_text_font = "FreeSans"
experiment_text_size = 20
experiment_filename_suffix = None

# Block
block_name = 'unnamed'
max_shuffle_time = 5000

# trial_list
trial_list_directory = 'trials'