A class implementing a text menu.
Create a text menu.
This creates a menu with items to be selected.
Parameters : | heading : str
menu_items : str or list
width : int
position : (int, int), optional text_size : int, optional background_colour : (int, int, int), optional
gap : int, optional
heading_font : str, optional
text_font : str, optional
text_colour : (int, int, int), optional
heading_text_colour : (int, int, int), optional
select_background_colour : (int, int, int), optional
select_text_colour : (int, int, int), optional
select_frame_colour : (int, int, int), optional
select_frame_line_width : int, optional
justification : int, optional
scroll_menu : int, optional
background_stimulus : visual expyriment stimulus, optional
mouse : expyriment.io.Mouse object, optional
Getter for background_colour
Getter for background_stimulus
Getter for gap
Present the menu and return the selected item.
Parameters : | preselected_item : int, optional
Returns : | selected : int
Getter for heading
Getter for heading_text_colour
Getter for justification
Getter for logging.
Getter for menu_items
Getter for position
Getter for scroll_menu
Getter for select_background_colour
Getter for select_frame_colour
Getter for select_frame_line_width
Getter for select_text_colour
Set logging of this object on or off
Parameters : | onoff : bool
See also design.experiment.set_log_level fur further information about event logging.
Getter for text_colour
Getter for text_size
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