(data_folder, file_name, suffix='.xpd', read_variables=None)¶ A class implementing a tool to aggregate Expyriment data.
This class is used to handle the multiple data files of a Experiment and process (i.e, aggregate) the data for further analysis
This tool helps, for instance, to aggregate your data for certain combinations of independent variables. E.g., data of a numerical magnitude judgement experiment. The code below makes a file with mean and median RTs and a second file with the errors and the number of trials:
from expyriment.misc import data_preprocessing agg = data_preprocessing.Aggregator(data_folder= "./mydata/", file_name = "MagnitudeJudgements") agg.set_computed_variables(["parity = target_number % 2", "size = target_number > 65"]) agg.set_independent_variables(["hand", "size" , "parity"]) agg.set_exclusions(["trial_counter < 0", "error != 0", "RT < 2*std", "RT > 2*std" # remove depending std in iv factor # combination for each subject ]) agg.set_dependent_variables(["mean(RT)", "median(RT)"]) agg.aggregate(output_file="rts.csv") agg.set_exclusions(["trial_counter < 0"]) agg.set_dependent_variables(["sum(error)", "n_trials"]) agg.aggregate(output_file="errors.csv")
(data_folder, file_name, suffix='.xpd', read_variables=None)¶ Create an aggregator.
Parameters: data_folder :str
folder which contains of data of the subjects
file_name : str
name of the files. All files that start with this name will be considered for the analysis (cf. aggregator.data_files)
suffix : str, optional
if specified only files that end with this particular suffix will be considered (default=.xpd)
read_variables : array of str, optional
array of variable names, read only the specified variables
(variable_names, data_columns)¶ Adds a new variable to the data.
Parameters: variable_names : str
name of the new variable(s)
data_columns : numpy.array
the new data columns as numpy array
The amount of variables and added columns must match. The added data must also match the number of rows. Note, manually added variables will be lost if cases will be excluded afterwards via a call of the method set_exclusions.
¶ Getter for added variables.
(output_file=None, column_subject_id=0)¶ Aggregate the data as defined by the design.
The design will be printed and the resulting data will be return as numpy.array together with the variable names.
Parameters: output_file : str, optional
name of data output file. If this output_file is defined the function write the results as csv data file
column_subject_id : int, optional
data column containing the subject id (default=0)
Returns: result : numpy.array
new_variable_names : list of strings
¶ Getter for computed variables.
¶ Getter for concatenated_data.
Returns: data : numpy.array
variables : list of str
Returns all data of all subjects as numpy.array and all variables names (including added variables). According to the defined design, the result contains the new computed variables and the subject variables from the headers of the Expyriment data files.
If data have been loaded and no new variable or exclusion has been defined the concatenated_data will merely return the previous data without re-processing.
¶ Getter for data_files.
The list of the data files considered for the analysis.
¶ Getter for data_folder.
¶ Getter for dependent variables.
¶ Getter for exclusions.
¶ Getter for file_name.
(filename, recode_variables=True, compute_new_variables=True, exclude_trials=True)¶ Read data from from a single Expyriment data file.
Parameters: filename : str
name of the Expyriment data file
recode_variables : bool, optional
set to False if defined variable recodings should not be applied (default=True)
compute_new_variables : bool, optional
set to False if new defined variables should not be computed (default=True)
exclude_trials : bool, optional
set to False if exclusion rules should not be applied (default=True)
Returns: data : numpy.array
var_names : list
list of variable names
info : str
subject info
comment : str
comments in data
The function can be only applied on data of aggregator.data_files, that is, on the files in the defined data folder that start with the experiment name. According to the defined design, the result contains recoded data together with the new computed variables, and the subject variables from the headers of the Expyriment data files.
(variables)¶ Returns the column of data as numpy array.
Parameters: variables : list of str
names of the variables to be extracted
Returns: data : numpy.array
¶ Getter for independent_variables.
(variables)¶ Print the number of trials in the combinations of the independent variables.
Parameters: variables : str or list
A string or a list of strings that represent the names of one or more data variables (aggregator.variables)
The functions is for instance useful to quickly check the experimental design.
(data_folder, file_name, suffix='.xpd', variables=None)¶ Reset the aggregator class and clear design.
Parameters: data_folder : str
folder which contains of data of the subjects
file_name : str
name of the files. All files that start with this name will be considered for the analysis (cf. aggregator.data_files)
suffix : str, optional
if specified only files that end with this particular suffix will be considered (default=.xpd)
variables : array of str, optional
array of variable names, process only the specified variables
(compute_syntax)¶ Set syntax to compute new variables.
The method defines the variables, which will be computed. It can not be applied on variables that have been added manually via add_variables. The method requires a re-reading of the data files and might be therefore time consuming.
Parameters: compute_syntax : str or list
A string or a list of strings that represent the syntax to compute the new variables
Compute Syntax:
{new-variable} = {variable} {relation/operation} {variable/value} {new-variable} -- a new not yet defined variable name {variable} -- a defined data variable {relation} -- ==, !=, >, <, >=, <=, => or <= {operation} -- +, -, *, / or % {value} -- string or numeric
(dv_syntax)¶ Set dependent variables.
Parameters: dv_syntax : str or list
syntax describing the dependent variable by a function and variable, e.g. mean(RT)
{function}({variable}) {function} -- mean, median, sum, std or n_trials Note: n_trials counts the number of trials and does not require a variable as argument {variable} -- a defined data variable
(rule_syntax)¶ Set rules to exclude trials from the analysis.
The method indicates the rows, which are ignored while reading the data files. It can therefore not be applied on variables that have been added later via add_variables and results in a loss of all manually added variables. Setting exclusions requires re-reading of the data files and might be therefore time consuming. Thus, call this method always at the beginning of your analysis script.
Parameters: rule_syntax : str or list
A string or a list of strings that represent the rules to exclude trials
Rule syntax:
{variable} {relation} {variable/value} {variable} -- a defined data variable {relation} -- ==, !=, >, <, >=, <=, => or <= {value} -- string or numeric If value is "{numeric} * std", trails are excluded in which the variable is below or above {numeric} standard deviations from the mean. The relations "==" and "!=" are not allow in this case. The exclusion criterion is apply for each subject and factor combination separately.
(variables)¶ Set the independent variables.
Parameters: variables : str or list
the name(s) of one or more data variables (aggregator.variables)
(variables)¶ Set subject variables to be considered for the analysis.
The method sets the subject variables. Subject variables are between subject factors or other variables defines in the subject information section (#s) of the Expyriment data file. The method requires a re-reading of the data files and might be therefore time consuming.
Parameters: variables : str or list
A string or a list of strings that represent the subject variables
(recoding_syntax)¶ Set syntax to recode variables.
The method defines the variables, which will recoded. It can not be applied on variables that have been added later via add_variables. Recoding variables requires re-reading of the data files and might be therefore time consuming.
Parameters: rule_syntax : str or list
A string or a list of strings that represent the variable recoding syntax
Recoding syntax:
{variable}: {old_value1} = {new_value1}, {old_value2} = {new_value2},...
¶ Getter for subject variable.
¶ Getter for variable recodings.
¶ Getter for variables.
The specified variables including the new computer variables and between subject variables and added variables.
(output_file=None, delimiter=', ')¶ Concatenates data and writes it to a csv file.
Parameters: output_file : str, optional
name of data output file If not specified data will the save to {file_name}.csv
delimiter : str
delimiter character (default=”,”)
(output_file)¶ Creates a R data frame of the concatenated data and stores it in a RDS file.
Parameters: output_file : str, optional
name of RDS output file If not specified data will the save to {file_name}.csv
This method requires R and the Python package ‘Rpy2’.