
class expyriment.io.SerialPort(port, baudrate=None, bytesize=None, parity=None, stopbits=None, timeout=None, xonxoff=None, rtscts=None, dsrdtr=None, input_history=None, os_buffer_size=None, clock=None)

A class implementing a serial port input and output.

__init__(port, baudrate=None, bytesize=None, parity=None, stopbits=None, timeout=None, xonxoff=None, rtscts=None, dsrdtr=None, input_history=None, os_buffer_size=None, clock=None)

Create a serial port input and output.

The port argument will accept the number of the port (e.g. 0 for COM1) as well as a string describing the full port location (“COM1” or “/dev/ttyS0”).

portint or str

the port name

baudrateint, optional
bytesizeint, optional
paritystr, optional

‘E’=even, ‘O’=odd, ‘N’=none

stopbitsint, optional
timeoutint, optional

the timeout for read(): -1=block

xonxoffint, optional
rtsctsint, optional
dsrdtrint, optional
input_historybool, optional

True if an input_history should be used

os_buffer_sizeint, optional

the size of the receive input_history provided by the operating system in bytes

clockmisc.Clock, optional
an experimental clock



An input_history can be used to overcome the size limitation of the receive buffer of the operating system. An input_history consists of a misc.ByteBuffer instance. In order to not miss any input, the serial port has to be updated regularly (i.e. calling read_input() or clear() before the receive buffer will be full). If the receive buffer size is set correctly, a warning will be given, when the input_history was not updated fast enough. Importantly, the fuller the receive buffer is, the longer clearing and polling will take (this can be more than 1 ms!), since all the bytes have to be transferred to the input_history.

property baudrate

Getter for baudrate.

property bytesize

Getter for bytesize.


Clear the serial port.

skip_input_historybool, optional

if True available data will not be copied to the input_history. (default = False)


If an input_history is used, all data in the receive buffer, will be added to the history before clearing (via read_input()).

The copy process might take a few milliseconds. If you need a very fast clearing of the device buffer, you should skip copying the data into the input_history using the skip_input_history parameter.

property clock

Getter for clock.


Close the serial port.

property dsrdtr

Getter for dsrdtr.

static get_available_ports()

Return a list of strings representing the available serial ports.


a list of strings representing the available serial ports


If pyserial is not installed, ‘None’ will be returned.

property has_input_history

Returns if a input_history exists or not (True / False).

property input_history

Getter for input_history.

property logging

Getter for logging.

property os_buffer_size

Getter for os_buffer_size.

property parity

Getter for parity.


Poll the serial port.

If a input_history is used, it will be added.


a single integer value of the received byte


Read all input from serial port.

If a input_history is used, all received data will be added.

outlist of int

a list of integer values of the received bytes

read_line(duration=None, callback_function=None, process_control_events=True)

Read a line from serial port (until newline) and return byte string.

The function is waiting for input. Use the duration parameter to avoid too long program blocking.

durationint, optional

try to read for given amount of time (default=None)

callback_functionfunction, optional

function to repeatedly execute during waiting loop

process_control_eventsbool, optional

process io.Keyboard.process_control_keys() and io.Mouse.process_quit_event() (default = True)

linebytes or str


This will also by default process control events (quit and pause). Thus, keyboard events will be cleared from the cue and cannot be received by a Keyboard().check() anymore!

property rtscts

Getter for rtscts.


Send data via the serial port.


the data to be sent

send_line(data, carriage_return=False, line_feed=True)

Send a line of data via the serial port.

databytes or str

the data to be sent

carriage_returnbool, optional

whether to add a carriage return at end of data (default=True)

line_feedbool, optional

whether to add a line feed at end of data (default=True)

property serial

Getter for serial.


Set logging of this object on or off


set logging on (True) or off (False)

property stopbits

Getter for stopbits.

property timeout

Getter for timeout.

property xonxoff

Getter for xonxoff.