Source code for expyriment.control.defaults

Default settings for the control package.

This module contains default values for all optional arguments in the init
function of all classes in this package.


__author__ = 'Florian Krause <, \
Oliver Lindemann <>'
__version__ = '0.6.2+'
__revision__ = 'df3f5391d9d2+'
__date__ = 'Sun Apr 14 12:55:36 2013 +0200'

from expyriment.misc import constants as _constants

initialize_delay = 10  # After approximately 10 seconds Python is timecritical
auto_create_subject_id = False
goodbye_text = "Ending experiment..."
goodbye_delay = 0
fast_quit = False
quit_key = _constants.K_ESCAPE
pause_key = _constants.K_p

open_gl = True
window_mode = False
window_size = (800, 600)

event_logging = 1  # 1 = default, 2 = extensive, 0 or False = off
stdout_logging = True

audiosystem_autostart = True
audiosystem_sample_rate = 44100
audiosystem_bit_depth = -16  # Negative values mean signed sample values
audiosystem_channels = 2
audiosystem_buffer_size = 2048

_mode_settings = None